In this video, Susan Dugan and Bruce Rawles read and talked about Lesson 166 “I am entrusted with the gifts of God.” (W-pI.166) from the Workbook of A Course in Miracles. Here is the first paragraph from that challenging … and inspiring lesson:
All things are given you. God’s trust in you is limitless. He knows His Son. He gives without exception, holding nothing back that can contribute to your happiness. And yet, unless your will is one with His, His gifts are not received. But what would make you think there is another will than His?– W.pI.166.1
Susan writes frequently and eloquently about A Course in Miracles in her very engaging blog, ForaysInForgiveness.
Since these video recordings have been a “labor of love” for many years, we thought it would be helpful to remind viewers that donations are always appreciated to enable us to continue devoting time to making these conversations available publicly to fellow students of ACIM worldwide; our intent is to be truly helpful. The (PayPal) Donate button on Susan’s site is toward the top of the middle column on each page of her ForaysInForgiveness site, and a similar donation button on my site is at the bottom in the sidebar on each page of ACIMblog. (Please note that and do not represent charitable organizations and any donations are not tax-deductible.)
We recommend these websites to all students of ACIM, both of which have recently updated websites with great resources:
- Foundation for A Course In Miracles (FACIM) which now has new Course-related streaming videos and podcasts including previously unreleased recordings.
- Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP) which has numerous new features, including instant “zero-click” access via the ticker tape on each page to today’s calendar Workbook Lesson – available in 7 languages, a new comprehensive FAQs page and a wealth of Course-related news, contextually relevant and historical archival material about ACIM’s origins, outreach (study groups) and ongoing products and extensions around the globe, including over two dozen translations. There are numerous video conversations on ACIMblog with Dr. Bob Rosenthal, co-President of FIP.
(This video was recorded on June 19, 2019.)
View additional video conversations with Susan Dugan on ACIMblog here.
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