These videos are examples of weekly classes recorded as video conversations hosted by Lyn Corona and Tim Wise (who lead the School For A Course In Miracles) in their highly recommended YouTube video channel.
Editor’s note: I (Bruce Rawles) attend as many of these excellent classes as I can. You might hear me chime in and join the conversation every so often, too.
Here are the most recent (June 2019) additions to the SFACIM YouTube Channel:
- A Course in Miracles: 6/1/2019 – Sisyphus Rolling The Rock Uphill: A Worldly Mission from ‘god’ (ego ministry) vs The Course‘s Mission from God (HS ministry) … with an overview of Workbook Lessons 151–157
- A Course in Miracles: 6/4/2019 – Workbook Lessons 155: “I will step back and let Him lead the way.”
- A Course in Miracles: 6/5/2019 – What are God’s Laws? (Part I): Will we be punished for not obeying them? Is God merciful or just? A discussion of God’s Laws vs the ego’s laws using Chapter 7, Sec. II in the Course: “The Law of The Kingdom.” including Workbook Lesson 277.
- A Course in Miracles: 6/8/2019 – What are God’s Laws? (Part II): Discussion of what Jesus calls the most basic fundamental law of being: the law of cause and effect, and getting back to “1+1=1.”
- A Course in Miracles: 6/11/2019 – “I am as God created me.” Lyn Corona discusses the Course and its application with respect to the question: Do I really believe God created me as I truly am?
- A Course in Miracles: 6/12/2019 – “Miracles vs Murder” The Course uses the word “murder” 54 times, and “kill” almost 60 times. Most Course students do not even realize those words are in there. We discuss why that might be, and why Jesus uses those words at all.
- A Course in Miracles: 6/15/2019 – Lyn Corona discusses “Above The Battleground” T-23.IV. Is the choice between miracles and murder hard to make?
- A Course in Miracles: 6/18/2019 – Accepting God’s Grace: Our Natural State: What is God’s grace? How do I get it? Lyn discusses ACIM Workbook Lessons 168–169 about living by grace, and in grace.
- A Course in Miracles: 6/19/2019 – Praying to Change The World? If you think the Holy Spirit is telling you what you need to do, it’s not the Holy Spirit. “Seek (pray) not to change the world (or yourself), but choose (pray) to change your mind about the world (and yourself).” Why would Jesus or the HS tell us what to do as a body in the world, when we are not a body and there is no world?
- A Course in Miracles: 6/22/2019 – Learning salvation, instead of condemnation. Discussion of what “teaching=learning” means in the Course. We look especially at “The Simplicity of Salvation.” – T-31.I
- A Course in Miracles: 6/25/2019 – Feeling God’s Love: “God is but Love, and therefore so am I” (Review V) … and so “I feel the Love of God within me now” – W.pI-189
- A Course in Miracles: 6/26/2019 – Echoes of Eternity: The Course uses the word “echo” 22 times … saying that we echo the message of forgiveness in our lives … or we echo the ego’s voice of separation.
“Salvation’s song will echo through the world with every choice (for the HS)… they (we) make.” T-31.VIII.10:7 - A Course in Miracles: 6/26/2019 – Feeling Depressed? Are you feeling a little down, bummed out, maybe even depressed? We discuss these feelings and what their real source is, and where it is… and how to get beyond it.
Here are several years of prior video archives (on the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center website). Enjoy!
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