Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New video by ACIM: A Course In Miracles David Hoffmeister on YouTube

Hear the Holy Spirit - A Course in Miracles Meditation - David Hoffmeister ACIM
http://www.acim-mexico.info A Course in Miracles - David Hoffmeister leads us into a gentle meditation, reminding us that all we need to do is to hear the Holy Spirit, and follow His guidance. "Let present trust lead the way...your heart will nudge you in the right direction." This recording of David Hoffmeister took place in Ajijic, Mexico, at the Temple of Aesculapius. Mystic David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that consistent peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David is world-renowned for his practical application of the non dual teachings of A Course in Miracles. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual Awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source. Background Music used in this video: La Casa De Milagros Piano Meditation 4, by Jason Press (jasonpress.bandcamp.com). If you have enjoyed this David Hoffmeister video please like, share and subscribe! http://www.acim-mexico.info

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