Tom Campbell: CUSAC VIP Event Q & A USA 1/4
As part of the Kickstarter reward fulfillment, a small group of participants were given a two day Q & A event to ask all the questions they most wanted to ask Tom Campbell! The first hour produced a particularly elegant and simple evolution of MBT. If you would like to introduce someone to MBT, whether a left brain science type, or a right brain intuitive type, please share this video with them. Tom bridges quantum mechanics and relativity flowing logically from consciousness. In the virtual reality of MBT, virtual reality is computed, and consciousness is the computer. To correct a misunderstanding about what is censorship and what is technically possible to present to a general audience, please understand that questions submitted either here or on another Q & A forum that are to do with the details of the physics experiments can not be answered without detailed notes, and charts, and the understanding required, not to mention lots of time! The experiments have their own stand alone videos here on this channel. The details and workings of the experiments are for those conducting them, and are, of course, represented in the published paper On Testing the Simulation Theory. In response to the many concerns for the disruptive content of some of the posts on YouTube, we hope that situation will be remedied soon. Please note that these experiments are simply to be conducted and the results recorded, You can disagree, of course, but when there is name calling, bullying of others, copyright infringement. (no, you are not entitled to post footage/audio that does not belong to you), and defamation, we will have to take measures to prevent the channel from these disruptive posts, and posts elsewhere. We reserve the right to maintain the policies of this channel. Tom does not remove posts, report, moderate, or comment on his channel, his management team does. Now, please enjoy one of the best Q & A sessions in recent memory! Relationships, dealing well with children and adolescents, fear, ego, and more! Tom's website Tom Campbell 501 c 3, The Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness Tom's events, Immersives, binaural beats Instagram: @tomcampbellmbt New! Oliver's website for Tom's work in Germany
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