Tom Campbell: Intellectual vs Intuitive Process
Tom explains the process of gathering information using both intellect and intuition. This approach allows for a more balanced consciousness resulting in a richer life experience. Tom gives practical examples to help you get past the blocks that hold you back from exploring the many aspects of consciousness more fully. The triple blind protocols used by remote viewers are just one example of how science provides evidence of consciousness at work. Tom Campbell website Tom Campbell's Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness, a 501 c 3 CUSAC Tom's Instagram! Tom's events, Immersives, appearances and binaural beats. Jill Bolte Taylor TED Talk The healing examples given herein are for the purpose of consciousness exercises only and are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure a disease, nor replace the advice of a medical professional.Seek professional help for any health issues. Interview: Donna Aveni Editing: Keith Warner
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