Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New video by ACIM: A Course In Miracles David Hoffmeister on YouTube

Why Was Jesus so Peaceful? - David Hoffmeister ACIM Jesus was so peaceful because he saw the unreality of the world. He didn’t take any worldly stance, he wasn’t against anything of this world because he knew the world wasn’t real. That’s why he was so peaceful. He was living in grace and divine Spirit. He’s guiding us all to follow his example, to unplug from this world of false cause and effect. Our fears are gone when we realize the world is a dream, that we made it all up. We had the power to wish this world into a seeming existence, and we have the power to "unwish" it. Forgiveness is the means by which we remove the ego from our sight, returning to true perception—the happy dream. ➤ Read A Course in Miracles (ACIM) online here: ➤ Learn more about David Hoffmeister here: This recording of David Hoffmeister took place on February 2, 2019, in Chapala, Mexico. If you have enjoyed this David Hoffmeister video please like, share and subscribe! #ACourseinMiracles #ACIM #Spirituality #Spiritual #Awakening #Enlightenment #Nonduality

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