Thursday, May 30, 2019

New video by Tom Campbell on YouTube

Tom Campbell: News for the Heart asks What are Realities All About?
Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on What Realities are all About. This is the third installment of Virtual Realities where Tom and I discussed how our Reality began and how all the 7.5 billion people have evolved over the past 200,000 years. The Larger Consciousness System is here to help us and has created our Virtual Reality world initially by Being all the characters until we acquired enough consciousness to take over. The past 200 years our VR has Grown and we can make choices that help us. And we are growing up and making better choices and as long as we continue on the path we are on the next couple of decades will be completely different from where we are and have been these last 50 years or so. We will continue this discussion, so if you have any questions that relate to our topic in relation to any of the Virtual Realities, we welcome you question. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We're Getting to the Heart of what Matters! Laurie Huston Tom Campbell Tom's Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness, a 501 3 c Tom's appearances, programs, events, Immersives, and binaural beats.

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