Monday, April 22, 2019

New video by Tom Campbell on YouTube

Tom Campbell VIP Workshop Germany 2019 Pt 2 of 4
This is a question and answer session with Tom Campbell. It is the fulfillment of an award to the backers of Tom's work that was carried out in Germany while Tom was on tour in Stuttgart. Within this session, some of Tom's most loyal supporters over many years asked questions of Tom that were answered generously, openly, and in detail and depth. We now have the opportunity to share this with you with thanks to Oliver at The US portion of this workshop is scheduled for June 1, 2 2019. For details on how you may still be a part of this VIP reward workshop (minimum donation to CUSAC required), please contact https// Tom Campbell's The Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness, a 501c3 non profit Tom's website Tom's events,programs, Immersives, and binaural beats Tom’s advice on any subject is from his own experience and is his opinion on what worked well for him. Healing, remote viewing, out of body travel, and such are to be treated as exercises in consciousness and in no way are to be a substitute for professional medical or counseling treatment, nor intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease. Recorded and edited by Oliver from

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