Saturday, March 30, 2019

New video by Tom Campbell on YouTube

Tom Campbell: Stuttgart, Germany 2019 Q & A Part 1
Preceding the question and answer segment with Tom Campbell, the audience was treated to a short demonstration by Evelyn and Axel of their Seeing Without Eyes program by some young former participants. Tom then reached out to the audience to answer their questions on any subject they wished! It was a well appreciated event by over 140 people from all around the world! Thank you to the invaluable help of Oliver from, and to Jan Fuchs and Til for their fine video and audio assistance. Tom Campbell website Tom's events, appearances, Immersives, and binaural beats. https;// Oliver's website His documentary below has English subtitles: Evelyn - the German teacher for seeing without eyes - can be contacted via her website: And, on Facebook at:

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